
Seibo Activity Report: October 2016

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tel : 080-4200-9923
Seibo Activity Report: October 2016

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Dear Seibo Supporters,
While some people spend their time arguing there isn’t enough food for everyone in the world others focus on sharing. Just like you do when you support hungry children in Malawi. Let’s see what a little sharing can achieve! In October school feeding began at 4 more Primary Schools in Northern Malawi to over 2,000 children- because every child has a right to an education & food. 
You are now part of a movement started in Japan  that by October 2016 was feeding 1,600 under-5’s and more than 3,531 primary school students a hot meal at school.  This is just the beginning and your support is needed to sustain the momentum.
October Focus- Primary Schools Expansion- Mzimba, Northern Malawi
St. Paul’s Primary School- Kaphuta Zone, Mzimba
St.Paul’s has 861 student – 411 boys and 450 girls. The head teacher is Mr. T Mwandira and there are 27 teachers at the school – 8 qualified male teachers, 13 qualified females and 6 student teachers.  Members of the parent teacher association and the school management committee created a  School Feeding Committee that agreed for the purpose of feeding to merge the 9 surrounding villages into 5 since some of them are small and every village was given a day where 9 people are chosen to cook at St Paul’s- as volunteers. The committee also employed a security guard to take care of the materials that were given to them.
Kanyerere Primary School-Kaphuta Zone, Mzimba
On the morning of the 26th October 2016 at Kanyerere, a school of 335 children located approx. 37 kms from the town of Mzimba , a group of local volunteers attended training on how to prepare a school meal and their efforts of building a storage room and kitchen shelter paid off thanks to your support and generosity.
Training @ Kanyerere
Primary School Updates:
Chabele Primary School- Kaphuta Zone, Mzimba
School feeding began at Chabele on the 27th of October 2016. On the day there were 4 teachers for the 231 children in attendance. The school has only 2 x school blocks so they use the church building next door for some of the “smaller” classes.
Mark Stambuli (pictured below), Seibo Monitor, gave an orientation on the use of the rocket stove and then of the cooking process to the 43 Volunteers present.
Monthly Milestones
26th October- launched school feeding at St.Paul’s & Kanyerere Primary Schools
27th October- launched school feeding at Machelechete & Chabule Primary Schools
The joy on the faces of the Seibo Kids nursery children who received FREE uniforms- a big thank you!
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Mr. T. Mwandira- Head Teacher at St. Paul’s said he welcomes the programme at his school and that he will make every effort, with the other teachers, to see the smooth running of Seibo.  He explained that in fact the school had previously had plans to start their own feeding programme. The junior pupils had collected maize in the past, but this failed very quickly because of problems such as the harvest in the area. As a result, he said, they are even more grateful for the coming of Seibo:
“Seibo is giving a helping hand for our dream to materialize”
Growing Malawi
Mr Z.M. Goma , Head Teacher at Machelechete
School feeding will boost the school enrollment and absenteeism will be reduced since the children will have something to eat here at school”

Seibo is a new movement founded on YOUR will to conquer hunger.
At a price of 15 yen per meal it
is not only possible to feed hungry children but to change the future direction of a country.


Machelechete Primary School-Kaphuta Zone, Malawi
Machelechete Primary School-Kaphuta Zone, Mzimba
Located 150 metres from the Mzuzu Road in Burukutu village the school has 455 children  & 8 teachers. Machelechete primary school is located 150 meters from the Mzuzu road in Mzimba. The school itself is well built with classrooms from Standards 1 -8 with chalkboards- though only a few rooms have desks.
The school formed a School Feeding Committee and built a kitchen in preparation for the coming of school feeding. At the time of the launch a store-room had not been completed though this is crucial to avoid use of classrooms and disruption to learning so we will keep encouraging!
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This is a Message from Malawi to YOU!
Elina Tchoma, 
mother to 2 x students at Chabele Primary said:
” I am very happy with the feeding program because my children were very hungry and did not concentrate in class. Thank you – what you have done is very remarkable.”


Email : info@seibojapan.or.jp     Phone : 080-4200-9923 
Room B Floor 4 Miyata Bldg 2-23-7 Kouraku
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Japan 112-0004
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